Huang, Tsung-Min / Assistant Professor
Huang Tsung-Min (Louie)
Highest Degree:Providence University Taichung ,Taiwan
Master of Business Administration in Tourism
Research Interest :Strong on Asian and Western style cuisine, Menu Design ,Kitchen Management ,Certified Food Safety Manager, Cost control ,Over 20 years of food service industry
Office:A611 Extention:6178
經 歷: 開南大學 國際榮譽學程 助理教授
Assistant Professor - IHP /Kainan University
Assistant Professor -SICA /Woosong University
Culinary Director -DIC Group
台中日月千禧酒店 /行政副總主廚
Executive Sous Chef -Millennium Vee Hotel
Laffetion Chef de Cuisine (French Restaurant)
上海寶來納餐飲 UNO& Kafer/副主廚
Sous Chef -BLN Group/Uno & Kafer
上海貿御餐飲 Mr.& Ms.Bund /副主廚 2006/05-2010/02
Sous chef - VOL Group/ Mr & Ms. Bund
Demi Chef de parte - Far Eastern Plaza Hotel (Shanglira-Hotel )
Commis Chef - The Leofoo Hotel
Commis Chef - The Hilton Hotel
證照與獎項Certification & Award
WACS 國際廚師協會評審證
WACS international chef Judge certification
Taiwan Judge of Field Tests on Skill Certification (western culinary )
中, 西餐烹調丙級證照
Taiwan Chinese & Western cuisine certification level C
HACCP 食品安全衛生證書(A+B)
Haccp Certification (A+B)
WACS 釜山國際烹飪競賽評審2023
Judge of 2023 Busan Marina Chef Challenge by WACS
WACS 濟州國際烹飪競賽評審2023
Judge of 2023 Jeju Local Cuisine Competition & WACS International Culinary Competition
Judge of 2023 Daejeon chef Challenge International Culinary Competition
國際OLYMPIAD 年輕廚師 評審2022
Judge of 2022 THE 8 International Young Chef Olympia
WACS 濟州國際烹飪競賽評審2022
Judge of 2022 Jeju Local Cuisine Competition & WACS International Culinary Competition
US Potato Cuisine (3rd Place)
上海FHC 國際烹飪大賽 銀牌
9 FHC International Culinary Art Competition(Bronze Award )
指導學生獲獎Activities: Culinary competition for leading students
帶領學生參與大田國際烹飪競賽2019 (團體項目5金)
- 2019 Korea International Challenge Cup- (Team )5 Gold medals
帶領學生參與首爾SFH國際烹飪競賽2019 (個人項目1金1銀8銅)
- 2019 SFH Culinary Challenge- 1 Gold 1,Sliver 8,Bronze medals award
帶領學生參與Young Chef Talent Taiwan 2019 (個人金牌)
- 2019 Young Chef Talent Challenge- Gold medal award
帶領學生參與韓國DIPO 烹飪競賽2019(個人1金4銀10銅)
- 2019 4th DIPO Induction Culinary Competition - 1 Gold, 4 Silver, and 10 Bronze medals
帶領學生參與韓國KINTEX 烹飪競賽2021(團體項目 1銀)
- 2021 Korea International Challenge Cup- (Team )1 Sliver medal
帶領學生參與韓國KINTEX 烹飪競賽2021(團體項目 1 金1銀)
- 2021 Korea International Challenge Cup- (Team )1 Gold medals,1 Sliver medal
帶領學生參與釜山& 濟州WASC烹飪競賽2022(個人項目金牌,團體項1銀)
- 2022 BMCC Busan Marina Chef Challenge - Golden metal award
- 2023 Korea Challenge Cup International Culinary Competition-3 Grand Prize 17 Gold and 5 Sliver medals award
帶領學生參與韓國DIPO 烹飪競賽203(個人項目2特金4銀3銅)
- 2023 5th DIPO Induction Culinary Competition -2 Champion 4 Sliver, 3 Bronze medals award
媒體報導Media Reports
出版著作-蘋果日報2014.08 凝香牛排
Apple news-2014/08
出版著作-蘋果日報2016.06 梅花肉料理
Apple news-2016/06
出版著作-自由日報2016.08 節瓜料理
Liberty Times -2016/08
出版著作-City Super 2015.11 聖誕饗宴
City Super -2015/11
出版著作-工商日報2017.07 混搭風味
Commercial Times -2017/07